Monday, September 30, 2019
Analysis of Sonnet 18 by William Shakespeare Essay
In â€Å"Sonnet 18†by William Shakespeare and â€Å"Death†by John Donne, both poems describe how death is escaped. Both writers suggest that we shouldn’t fear death, because with death comes life. The use of imagery, metaphors, and personification are used to develop these themes of the sonnets. However, each sonnet addresses how they view immortality in different ways. While â€Å"Sonnet 18†focuses on immortality by capturing beauty, immortality in â€Å"Death†is viewed through a religious perspective. The speaker of the poem â€Å"Death†shows fearlessness in the first stanza of the poem. â€Å"Death be not proud, though some have called thee/Mighty and dreadful, for thou art not so†(1-2). Here death is being personified and confronted about his arrogant ways. The speaker lets death know that he is not as strong and scary as people perceive him to be. In the following lines death is brought down even more. The speaker reveals that death can’t really end our life because when we die we would then begin living eternally. John Donne uses his belief in Christianity to suggest to the reader there is life after death. The writer uses a metaphor in line five to compare death to â€Å"rest and sleep†to make matters worse. â€Å"From Rest and Sleep, which but thy picture be†(5). Rest and sleep are two things that are peaceful and calm, and are things we aren’t scared of at all. Sleep is interpreted as a temporary death which we wake up from in t his poem. The speaker talks about how death is doing people a favor by ending their life. â€Å"And soonest our best men with thee do go-/Rest of their bones and souls’ delivery†(7-8). These two stanzas propose that when death presents itself to us, we will finally be relieved of the pain, agony, and troubles of the world. Within stanza nine, imagery is used to describe the true image of death. Death is characterized as a servant who follows the rules of fate, chance, and kings as they are the only ones who make the calls on who dies or not.â€Å"Thou’rt slave to fate, chance, kings, and desperate men†(9). While death tries to fool us into to thinking he is the one who controls us, we realize that Death is really the one who is being controlled. As we read through the poem, we find out things about Death like who he associates with. The writer makes Death seem like someone we should not be afraid of when he affiliates him with poison, war, and sickness. In contrast the speaker’s beloved escapes death in â€Å"Sonnet 18†because he is written about in a poem. The poem starts off showing appreciation towards beauty by asking if he should compare his friend to a summer’s day (1). Within this stanza development, the speaker uses imagery to describe his beloved to a summer day. When we talk about summer time, we think of nice weather, nature’s beauty, and sunshine, all things which are compared to his beloved. Shakespeare repeatedly uses the word â€Å"more†in the second stanza to further suggest how beautiful this person is. He continues to going into detail about his friend, and how â€Å"Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines, and often is his gold complexion dimm’d†(5-6). Here the eye of heaven is a metaphor that is represented as the sun. The writer comments on summer’s imperfections to remind the reader that summer isn’t always perfect. Sometimes summer is too hot, and other times the sun is dimmed by the clouds. We capture the temporariness of summer’s season in Shakespeare’s sonnet as well. Stanzas seven through nine emphasize how everything eventually comes to an end as time goes on (7-9). We know that as fall approaches and the weather becomes colder, nature becomes vulnerable. Leaves begin to fall from the trees and flowers begin to die. The writer makes a contradiction about the mortality of his beloved though. â€Å"But thy eternal summer shall not fade†(9). This suggests that his beloved’s beauty will not end like the season of summer does. Finally the writer explains that as long as people are alive to read poems, his beloved will be immortal because the sonnet brings life to the person he is referring to (13-14). These last stanzas reveal a metaphor that argues his beloved is better than a summer day because unlike summer, his beloved’s beauty will never fade. Both sonnets escape the inevitable because of their different views on death. While the writer of â€Å"Sonnet 18†defeats death by capturing beauty in a poem, John Donne defeats death by belief of what is to come after this life. These two poems suggest that we shouldn’t fear mortality because it only reveals life after death. Work cited Donne, John. â€Å"Death.†The Giant Book of Poetry. Ed. William Roetzhem. San Diego: Level Four Press, Inc.2006. 21. Print. Shakespeare, William. â€Å"Sonnet XVIII.†The Giant Book of Poetry. Ed. William Roetzhem. San Diego: Level Four Press, Inc.2006. 13.Print.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE INTERNATIONAL EXAMINATIONS GCE Advanced Subsidiary and Advanced Level MARK SCHEME for the November 2005 question paper 9708 ECONOMICS 9708/04 Paper 4, maximum raw mark 70 This mark scheme is published as an aid to teachers and students, to indicate the requirements of the examination. It shows the basis on which Examiners were initially instructed to award marks. It does not indicate the details of the discussions that took place at an Examiners’ meeting before marking began. Any substantial changes to the mark scheme that arose from these discussions will be recorded in the published Report on the Examination. All Examiners are instructed that alternative correct answers and unexpected approaches in candidates’ scripts must be given marks that fairly reflect the relevant knowledge and skills demonstrated. Mark schemes must be read in conjunction with the question papers and the Report on the Examination. The minimum marks in these components needed for various grades were previously published with these mark schemes, but are now instead included in the Report on the Examination for this session. †¢ CIE will not enter into discussion or correspondence in connection with these mark schemes. CIE is publishing the mark schemes for the November 2005 question papers for most IGCSE and GCE Advanced Level and Advanced Subsidiary Level syllabuses and some Ordinary Level syllabuses. Page 1 Mark Scheme GCE AS/A LEVEL – NOVEMBER 2005 Syllabus 9708 Paper 4 Section A 1 (a) What evidence is there in the article that the UK mobile phone companies operate in an imperfect market structure? Only four companies, can fix price, have product differentiation in the handsets, no perfect knowledge. (b) Explain the statement ‘one result will be that cross-subsidisation will disappear and the price of a new handset will go up considerably. Explanation of meaning of subsidising one product or service by the profits on another which itself may be overpriced. The removal of the subsidy will result in the price of the subsidised product increasing if profit levels are to be maintained. Often the subsidised product makes a loss but is produced because it is supplementary to other profit making products or services. (c) The article says the decision of the High Court will cost the companies ? 1. 5 billion to ? 2 billion. Explain how the phone companies might react in order to retain their profit levels. Could try to reduce labour costs, implement some redundancies, could stop research and development, could generally try to reduce costs or could try to increase revenue by promoting products through advertising. (d) Explain with the aid of a diagram how the existence of termination charges would affect consumer surplus. Termination charges are placed above the market level. Diagram should show a price above market clearing which will result in reduction in consumer surplus. 1 mark for D/S diagram correctly labelled; 1 for showing the reduced area of consumer surplus; 1 for explanation. e) Does the information lead you to agree with the spokesperson when he said that consumers should not necessarily regard the decision as a good thing? In consumers’ interest: they would save ? 700 but over next three years, price reduction would be on all calls. Against consumers’ interest: cost of telephone handset would rise; there is a fear of increased calls for text messages; possib ility of phone company finding some other way to keep profits high. [6] [4] [4] [3] [4]  © University of Cambridge International Examinations 2005 Page 2 Mark Scheme GCE AS/A LEVEL – NOVEMBER 2005 Syllabus 9708 Paper 4 General comments for Section B The essay questions carry a maximum mark of 25. Try not to ‘bunch' marks, but use the whole mark range. If there is any doubt in your mind, give the benefit of doubt to the candidate. The difference in grades should be assessed on the ability of the candidate to demonstrate the various objectives of the examination listed in the syllabus and not purely on the ability to itemise further facts from the content of the syllabus. Marks should be awarded for the ability to demonstrate that aim (b) of the syllabus has been achieved as well as aim (a) – which refers to content knowledge. It is the objective of the examination, as listed in the syllabus, to assess both these aims. An overall guide for marks for individual questions is given below; these are from a total of 25. They may be applied proportionally of course to parts of questions where the total is less than 25: Mark 1 – 9 (Linked to level one in individual question notes). 1-5 where the answer is mostly irrelevant and only contains a few valid points made incidentally in an irrelevant context. There will also be substantial omissions of analysis. here the answer shows some knowledge but does not indicate that the meaning of the question has been properly grasped. Basic errors of theory or an inadequate development of analysis may be evident. 6–9 Mark 10 – 13 (Linked to level two in individual question notes). 10 –11 where there is evidence of an ability to identify facts or some ability at graphs and/or a fair ability to apply known laws to new situations. There should be an a ccurate although undeveloped explanation of the facts relating to the question together with an explanation of the theory, and evidence of some bility to discriminate and form elementary judgements. Do not expect a clear logical presentation. There will not be much evidence of the ability to recognise unstated assumptions, nor to examine the implications of a hypothesis, nor of the ability to organise ideas into a new unity. 12 – 13 where the answer has a more thorough relevance to the question but where the theory is incompletely explained.  © University of Cambridge International Examinations 2005 Page 3 Mark Scheme GCE AS/A LEVEL – NOVEMBER 2005 Syllabus 9708 Paper 4 14 – 17 (Linked to level 3 in individual question notes). 4 –15 where there is a good knowledge of the facts and theory of the question, clear evidence of the ability to use the facts and theory with accurate reference to the question that may have presented the candidate with a novel ap plication. There should also be evidence, where appropriate, of the ability to examine the implications of the question and an attempt to distinguish between facts and value judgements. Clear statements, supported by reasoned arguments should be given and there should be some attempt at a conclusion to the question. There should be a reasoned structure to the whole answer. Do not expect too many extra Illustrative points which are not explicitly referred to in the question, do not expect too much critical comment on unstated assumptions 16 – 17 for an answer showing a well reasoned understanding of the question's requirements and of the relevant theory: the analysis should be sound though the illustration and development may not be very full. 18 – 25 (Linked to level 4 in individual question notes). 18 –20 where there is a thorough knowledge of the facts and theory with an excellent ability to describe, explain or analyse this in a precise, logical, reasoned manner. There should be an ability to query some of the assumptions in the question and clear evidence of an ability to distinguish between fact and value judgements and to draw some conclusions on the matter being discussed. Conclusions should be formed and expressed within a sound structured answer so that the whole is well presented. New illustrations and apposite examples should be introduced as further evidence of an ability to recognise the principles of the question and their application to relevant current situations. 1 – 25 for an answer which, given the time constraint, could not be improved significantly: it will have clear analysis, ample illustration and a good attempt at considered evaluation. Be positive in your marking, awarding marks for what is there without being too much influenced by omissions. Marks should not be deleted for inaccuracies. Corresponding marks for sub-sections. Total Mark 10 Total Mark 12 Total Mark 13 Total Mark 15 1 1-3 1-4 1-4+ 1-5 2 4-5 5-6 5-6 + 6-8 3 6-7 7-8 7-8+ 9-11 4 8-10 9-12 9-13 12-15  © University of Cambridge International Examinations 2005 Page 4 Mark Scheme GCE AS/A LEVEL – NOVEMBER 2005 Syllabus 9708 Paper 4 Section B 2 (a) Explain what is meant by efficient resource allocation in a free market. L4 L3 L2 L1 (b) For a sound explanation with clear understanding of the principles involved in the analysis. [8 – 10] For a competent explanation but with limited development of the analysis. [6 – 7] For a correct explanation of a free market but undeveloped explanation of allocative efficiency. [4 – 5] For an answer which has some basic correct facts but includes irrelevancies. Errors of theory or omissions of analysis will be substantial. 1 – 3] [10] Would you agree that in some circumstances it is best to accept the decision such as that of the French government and abandon the search for economic efficiency through the free market? [15] Discussion of the reason for market failure. Monopolies, merit goods, public goods. Consideration of whether this might apply in the case of the large engineeri ng company. L4 L3 L2 L1 For a reasoned discussion of causes of market failure and clearly structured answer. [12 – 15]. For a fair explanation of market failure but lack of development and reasoned conclusion. 9 – 11] For a limited but acceptable attempt to consider some market failures. [6 – 8] For an answer which has some basic correct facts but includes irrelevancies. Errors of theory or omissions of analysis will be substantial. [1 – 5] 3 (a) Explain how trade unions can be incorporated into the economic analysis of wage determination. [12] Candidates are asked to comment on trade unions so the economic theory of wages that they should use is that for an imperfect market. This theory should be explained using marginal revenue productivity. Trade unions can have an effect on the supply curve which is now no longer solely determined by market forces. Where the actual wage will be determined depends upon the relative strengths of the employer and the trade union. L4 L3 L2 L1 For a sound discussion with good explanation of the analysis and a clear understanding of the principles involved. [9 – 12] [7 – 8 D and S approach] For a competent comment but with limited elaboration of the analysis. [7 – 8] [5-6 D and S approach] For a correct explanation of part of the analysis. Candidates might explain either the government or the unions. 5 – 6] [3+ – 4 D and S approach] For an answer which has some basic correct facts but includes irrelevancies. Errors of theory or omissions of analysis will be substantial. [1 – 4] [1 –3 D and S approach]  © University of Cambridge International Examinations 2005 Page 5 Mark Scheme GCE AS/A LEVEL – NOVEMBER 2005 Syllabus 9708 Paper 4 (b) Discuss the possible effects that trade unions might have on the economy of a country. [13] Trade unions could affect the supply of labour and working practices. They could cause production to decrease with consequent downward effects on income, spending and national income. Candidates could explain this using the multiplier concept. Union could, however, through negotiation prevent disruption of production, or could monitor the implementation of safety procedures which might involve extra spending by the employer. This might well have an upward effect on national income. L4 L3 L2 L1 For a reasoned and clear explanation with accurate development of theory contrasting possible outcomes. [9 – 13] For a clear but undeveloped explanation which concentrates on change of income in one direction only. 7 – 8] For a limited attempt to consider the theory and with a greater concentration on the descriptive elements. [5 – 6] For an answer which has some basic correct facts but includes irrelevancies. Errors of theory or omissions of analysis are substantial. [1 – 4] 4 (a) With the help of diagrams distinguish between normal profit and abnormal profit. [10] Diagrams to show normal and abnormal profit with accompanying explanation of the c urves used in the diagram. Candidates can distinguish between perfect and imperfect markets. L4 L3 L2 L1 For a sound explanation, good diagrams correctly labelled, with clear understanding of the principles involved in the analysis. [8 – 10] For a competent explanation but with limited development of the analysis. Diagrams clear but not fully labelled. [6 – 7] For a correct explanation of terms but some poor diagrams. [4 – 5] For an answer which has some basic correct facts but includes irrelevancies. Errors of theory or omissions of analysis will be substantial. [1 – 3] (b) Discuss whether firms always want to maximise profits and are able to do so in the way suggested by economic theory. 15] Discussion of the theory of profit maximisation. Candidates should consider not only whether it is possible to calculate marginal revenue and marginal cost to achieve profit maximisation but also whether the firm might have alternative aims. Sales maximisation, behavioural, managerial, satisficing, market share aims might be mentioned. L4 L3 L2 L1 For a reas oned discussion and clearly structured answer. [12 – 15] For a fair discussion but undeveloped answer mentioning either only one part of the question or both parts but only scant mention of alternative aims. 9 – 11] For a limited but acceptable attempt to consider the question with very limited development of either part. [6 – 8] For an answer which has some basic correct facts but includes irrelevancies. Errors of theory or omissions of analysis will be substantial. [1 – 5]  © University of Cambridge International Examinations 2005 Page 6 Mark Scheme GCE AS/A LEVEL – NOVEMBER 2005 Syllabus 9708 Paper 4 5 How far do you agree that low interest rates and low inflation are the most important aims of government policy in maximising economic welfare? 25] Discussion of the general macro aims of government policy with a comment on whether the two mentioned should be regarded as the most crucial. The effect of low interest rates and low inflation and po ssible links between them can be developed. Reasons should be given for either choosing or not choosing these aims as the most important. L4 L3 L2 L1 For a thorough explanation of the aims, a clear analysis of the link between them, a discussion of the possible outcome of a choosing either those aims or alternatives with a reasoned conclusion. 18 – 25] For a competent explanation of the aims but where there is only limited attempt to consider the significance of the importance of the aims. There will be some discussion but the evaluation will not be fully developed or extensive. [14 – 17] For an accurate though undeveloped explanation with some attempt at analysis but only limited evaluation. [10 – 13] For an answer which shows some knowledge but does not indicate that the question has been fully grasped. The answer will have some correct facts but include irrelevancies. Errors of theory or omissions of analysis will be substantial. 1 – 9] 6 With the appr oval of the Malaysian government, the Swedish company IKEA, the world’s largest retailer of home furnishings, has invested $106 million in Malaysia in the past three years. It plans to open another large store in the country, employing 450 people with expected sales of approximately $50 million in the first year. (Herald Tribune Aug 15 03 p 12) (a) Use the multiplier analysis to explain what effect this investment might have on the Malaysian national income. [10] Discussion of the effect of increasing investment in terms of employment, income, spending, saving. Multiplier analysis. Usually this question is asked with reference to government spending and investment but this is a large investment and it also will have multiplier effects. L4 L3 L2 L1 For a sound explanation of the analysis and a clear understanding of the principles involved. [8 – 10] For a competent comment but with limited elaboration of the analysis. [6 – 7] For a correct explanation of part of the analysis. Candidates might explain how investment might increase income but might not deal with further increases in as they do not discuss what leakages occur at each ‘round’. 4 – 5] For an answer which has some basic correct facts but includes irrelevancies. Errors of theory or omissions of analysis will be substantial. [1 – 3]  © University of Cambridge International Examinations 2005 Page 7 Mark Scheme GCE AS/A LEVEL – NOVEMBER 2005 Syllabus 9708 Paper 4 (b) Discuss whether the activities of multi-national companies are always beneficial. Candidates should discuss the effects of large companies. They could consider whether a large company is beneficial for the shareholders, the workforce and the consumer. These groups may be in different countries. They should comment on the effect in host country where wages/incomes/employment might increase and on the possible benefits for directors (and shareholders) who may be in the home country. The multi-national might have chosen to operate in the host country because of reduced costs or cheaper inputs so a comment on the possible benefits of comparative advantage would be pertinent. L4 L3 L2 L1 For a sound discussion with good explanation of the analysis and a clear understanding of the principles involved. Reasoned evaluative comments should be given. 12 – 15] For a competent comment but with only limited evaluation of the effects. [9 – 11] For a correct discussion of the analysis but with only very brief, or no evaluation. [6 – 8] For an answer which has some basic correct facts but includes irrelevancies. Errors of theory or omissions of analysis will be substantial. [1 – 5] [15] 7 ‘There are so many difficulties in measuring living standards that w e can never be sure that people in one country are better off than those in another country. ’ Comment upon this statement. [25] Candidates should consider each part of the statement. They should discuss whether there are many difficulties in measuring living standards and give reasons for their conclusion on this part of the question. They should then consider whether it is possible to compare one country with another and discuss what use national income statistics might be. They should form an overall conclusion. L4 L3 L2 L1 For a thorough explanation of the difficulties of measuring living standards, and a clear conclusion to the assertion followed by a consideration of the usefulness of using the statistics to make comparisons. [18 – 25] For a competent explanation of the difficulties but with a limited conclusion. There will be some consideration of comparison between countries but this will not be fully developed or extensive. [14 – 17] For an accurate though undeveloped explanation with some attempt at analysis but only limited evaluation. The conclusion will be weak. [10 – 13] For an answer which shows some knowledge but does not indicate that the question has been fully grasped. The answer will have some correct facts but include irrelevancies. Errors of theory or omissions of analysis will be substantial. [1 – 9]  © University of Cambridge International Examinations 2005
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Basics Of Mutual Funds
In this report, I decided to take advantage of this opportunity to obtain information on the best way to invest in my daughter 's university fund. Please choose between mutual funds or IRA. Thanks to the investigation I made about this, I have decided on the best way to invest my money. The main research I undertook about the IRA was done on the Internet via AOL. Through them, I discovered that the traditional Irish Republican Army exempts a tax of $ 2,000 per person per year. In other words, an investment of 2000 dollars will be deducted from the total income for that year. If you want to invest in your money, and if you are considering an investment trust as an option, are you also looking forward to more information about what mutual funds are? With information related to the basic knowledge of mutual funds, you can start your own investment yourself, with the help of financial planners and investment advisors. You want this information to be easy. If you are looking for this info rmation somewhere, this blog is for you. Here we will explain every aspect of the mutual fund, including basically what is a different type of mutual fund than a mutual fund. It will also focus on the analysis of mutual fund investment and the performance of the mutual fund statement. By understanding all these, you will have ideas about it, but we still have the best mutual funds you should know. In that study we measured the fundamentals of mutual funds as mutual funds and their origins, and in our research we looked at the history, performance, strengths and weaknesses of ABN AMRO MUTUAL FUND and BENCH MARK MUTUAL FUND in our research. We also examined portfolio management and its comparison. It was because the structure turned out to be the same. The rules and regulations, parts and processes are all formulated by SEBI, the main rule of the mutual fund. Investor's choice of investment will invest in mutual funds that use company outline and SEBI guidelines changed by Indian stoc k exchanges and board of directors. Investment trusts are like stock markets, so we will buy and sell them from the company. Investment trust. Different - Since different companies are studying ABN Amro's investment trusts, many plans are offered by investment trusts of Dutch banks in Indian investors to put money into the market
Friday, September 27, 2019
Development of Mongolia in Mining Sector Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Development of Mongolia in Mining Sector - Essay Example pag.). This paper is intended to review the impact the booming mining industry makes on the overall economic performance of Mongolia, as well as the major opportunities and challenges faced by the sector, which inter alia would determine its future. The paper is organized in three main sections, the first of which provides accounts of the overall size, type and peculiar characteristics of Mongolian economy; the second provides a brief overview of the Mongolian mining sector; while the third section attempt an insight into the broadening horizons of Mongolia’s mining industry. Introduction to Mongolian Economy Following the dissolution of the USSR, Mongolia’s economy experienced both deep recession due to natural disasters and political inaction, and more or less noticeable growth, because of the economic reform, which included free-market orientation and extensive privatization of the dominant state sector (CIA, n. pag.). However, the massive livestock losses caused by severe winters and draughts, compounded by falling prices for the primary sector exports and widespread opposition to the privatization process, resulted in fairly anemic GDP (Gross Domestic Product) growth; between 2004 and 2008, the GDP growth was nearly 9 percent on average, mainly due to new gold production, as well as to high copper prices (CIA, n. pag.). As of 2008, the Mongolian economy suffered both a soaring inflation rate – actually the highest inflation rate in over a decade, reaching almost 30 percent – and an external shock caused by the global financial crisis, with a sharp drop in commodity prices, hence greatly slashed government revenues (CIA, n. pag.). A 236 million-dollar stand-by agreement was reached with the International Monetary Fund in 2009, which assisted the country to emerge from the crisis (CIA, n. pag.). Because of the harsh weather during the winter in 2009 – 2010, a massive loss of livestock occurred once again – this time over 20 % of the total number – doubling the meat prices and consequently shrinking the GDP by 1.9 percent. In 2010, the economy growth was 6.4 percent, while in 2011 – 17.3 percent; these results were mainly obtained by commodity exports in the neighboring countries, on which the Mongolian economy heavily relies (CIA, n. pag.). For example, Mongolia purchases 95 percent of the imported petroleum products and substantial portion of its electricity imports from Russia, while China receives over 90 percent of Mongolia’s total exports (CIA, n. pag.). Besides agriculture, which comprises production of wheat, barley, vegetables and forage crops, as well as horses-, sheep-, goats-, cattle-, and camels-breeding, the Mongolian economy’s main industries include construction, production of construction materials, mining (coal, copper, molybdenum, tin, gold, uranium, etc.), production of food and beverages, as well as processing of animal products; according to data of 2010, electricity production amounts to 4.313 billion kWh, whereas electricity imports are 262.9 million kWh (CIA, n. pag.). As of the same period, the overall industrial production growth rate is estimated at 37.3 % (CIA, n. pag.). According to 2011 data, Mongolia’s GDP is estimated at 13.28 billion dollars. Agriculture contributes 12.9 % of the total GDP, the
Thursday, September 26, 2019
DROPPING THE ATOMIC BOMB RIGHT OR WRONG DEBATE - Essay Example This in turn forced U.S to use force to compel them of thinking otherwise (Wainstock, 76). 2. The decision was right because it would bring a swift end to the war that if left alone would have carried on for many years. This would in turn lead to millions of people being killed only because of a war that both sides would have agreed. The Japanese had Kamikazes, and this turned out to be one of the most expensive operations that the United States had encountered. Most of the U.S navy suffered since they were on the offensive. The United States had to move in order to reduce their casualties on land (Wainstock, 91). 3. The bombing was the right decision because it proved that the United States of America were the world’s dominating world power and thus they wanted to prove that they could have ended the way with the flick of a switch. The United States had acquired a new device and was willing to try it on anyone who would challenge their power. At the time, they were in conflicting terms with Japan and this meant that Japan would face the brunt of their actions. Had the U.S chosen to march into Japan to fight the enemy, they would have lost because Japan had the numbers. There was no way that America would win with the convectional force that awaited them on land (Wainstock, 136). 4. America was racing with time because the Japanese ministry had decided that they would leave no prisoners when the war ended. Anyone who was caught would have to deal with Japan and the punishment for being caught was death. There were about 1 million Chinese people who had been caught during the war and out of these; only about 55 remained by the time they wished to surrender. They were killing them in masses such as burning them alive in groups. If the war had continued longer, it would have meant that there would be more people who would have
The French Lieutenant's wife Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
The French Lieutenant's wife - Essay Example According to Martin (2010, p 12), the romantic novel is about a dark strange woman of the archetypal Victoria as the title. The woman symbolizes the forbidden practice in the society today in that from the novel she is depicted as heroine and sometimes appears to be villainess. This depicts modern life situation where people fall in love with strangers who later turns to be evil. Plot Summary The persona opens the scenes with unidentified spy using a telescope. He infers 1867 to the modern year through comparison of the old sea to Henry sculpture. Throughout the novel it is clear that truth is a simulacrum. The author has exposed high level of illusion in that it reminds the audience that play is not only on stage but also a real life situation. Fowles introduce the novel in first person point of view so as to commend on any action as the characters freezes on stage. He eludes his work in real life through the character called Charles who is the point of focus on the whole work (Mart in, 2010, p 46). The novel on the other side is a stage since it represents the contemporary issues in life. It transforms and translates what is happening in life in five minutes through relic characters who are easily turned to fit the situation. The novel reveals the mood of such characters as nostalgia hence creates prospective turn over of ideas. This reveals the perplexity between history and present in the of timelessness intelligence in the audience’ mind. This shows that in life, everybody experiences the wider gap of empathy. This becomes weaker by the paradox of 100 years of Victorian times. The world of Victoria is not reconstructed uncritically since Fowles focuses on Victorian period which looks like the modern world to the audience. He describes the woman's attitude through Victoria towards economics, philosophy and science. Through close examination of the oppressed society back in the nineteenth century, he reveals the problems faced by two economists and soc ial groups and gauges them to poverty in England. This is clearly in a modern situation whereby the servant group and working classes trap women. As the plot moves through love, an individual gets to ask and answer questions as to why most relationships revolve through the economy. Fowles tries to not bring the two main characters together, but to teach the world that life has to be faced on any dimension what so ever. In real life, there are the poor and the rich and they both face life and enjoy every bit (Martin, 2010, p 73). Conclusion The double ending of Fowles depicts psychological lessons of romance to an individual. The novel is an individual development and enlightenment in a basic isolation that accompanies the growth. The theme of the novel itself was a logical series of happening not only in the past but to the modern world as a whole since there are changes in the standard of living which are no longer accepted by many today. He makes coincidences at the end of the nov el to depict claims of one’s property in the modern situation where family members come together to take what is left after their member is gone. Even though law controls this, still it is the court that rules this to next of kins. Finally the ending of the novel reveals Fowles’s view biologically even though it comes out as mystery in that life cannot describe the
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Honesty versus Justice and Due Process versus Crime Control Essay
Honesty versus Justice and Due Process versus Crime Control - Essay Example According to the classic definition of Justice each person should get his or her due. Aristotle more than two thousand years ago defined that "equals should be treated equally and unequals unequally." This fundamental principle has been followed by many nations while developing the laws for their country and countrymen. Our legal system is based on a system of justice. The whole lot from Police to Judiciary and legislature that enacts the laws play a part in the legal system; in fact all have their roles defined in the criminal justice system. As far as honesty is concerned it has been often alleged that it has taken the worst beating within the criminal justice system and judiciary while dispensing justice gives more importance to technicalities than sometimes the truth that though is quite apparent but has no witness to falsify the opposition's claim. This debate has continued for centuries on the trot. It doesn't mean that the system is there for the corrupt and the dishonest. When the leading functionaries within the criminal justice system like the Judges, Police officials are inducted they take an oath to uphold the integrity of their office with all honesty. There are sometimes a few among the flock who bring a bad name to the whole system by manipulating the system to satisfy their narrow e nds, they should be dealt with sternly when their conduct comes to light. The other pillars of the criminal justice system have a role to play. For example it is true that Police can be misused by lodging a false complaint against someone, but if the cops are honest to their duty then there are inbuilt procedures within the system to be followed during the investigation process that can make clear at the first stage itself if the offence alleged is true or not without committing the case to the court. Here at this stage itself sometimes the Investigating officer by being careless and negligent during investigation can book the innocent victim, who later might be honorably acquitted by the court but in the process undergoes a lot of harassment, shaking his faith in the whole system and starts to think that the system is corrupt. The same can be said about the judiciary that follows the rule quite diligently that an innocent must not be punished. Sometimes some overzealous lawyers in order benefit their client's interests manipulate the truth or facts on record to suit their end. But it can be said that lawyers are professionals and they have a work to do. It is their duty to put the facts before the court in the best way possible and then for the court to dispense justice. Generally Lawyers cannot be expected to turn the apostle of peace, honesty and justice when they see there are many loopholes in the prosecution case and they exploit those to the hilt. Technically it can be called dishonesty but as discussed above that it is their job to protect the interests of their client in the best possible manner. Here the burden of upholding the truth is more on the judges and to bring the rules and procedures within the system to their best use so that the truth, honor and honesty is not a victim within the criminal justice system. Within the Criminal justice system and private security 'due process' and 'Crime Control' are given a lot of importance. According to the 'Random House Dictionary
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Nature of the early republic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Nature of the early republic - Essay Example This rebellion soon spread to the other colonies and the situation was aggravated by King George's proclamation that the colonies were engaged in rebellion. With this the war of independence commenced. On the 4th of July 1776 the declaration of independence was adopted and with this the United States of America was formed. Initially the British had to contend with only the Americans but gradually other European powers joined the fray. In France there was a great deal of public support for the American cause and it began to provide aid to the American colonies. Further a treaty of alliance was signed between France and colonies. According to this treaty France would support the colonies in their struggle with the British. This resulted in a war between Britain and France in 1778. The beleaguered British proffered the olive branch to the colonies and on the 3rd of September 1783 the independence, freedom and sovereignty of these American colonies were recognised by Britain. Thus, despite several initial hardships the Americans emerged as a strong and coherent nation (THE ROAD TO INDEPENDENCE: Chapter 3). Subsequent to the achievement of independence Congress passed a resolution on the 10th of May 1776, requiring the colonies to form new governments that would enhance the happiness and safety of their constituents. Accordingly most of the states drew up their own constituents. In order to protect certain rights whose infringement had led to secession from Britain, a bill of rights was incorporated into these constitutions. Some of these were freedom of speech, freedom of elections, freedom of the press and the right to change the government. A major problem faced by this fledgling nation was that of expansion in the western part of the United States.... This essay stresses that a major problem faced by this fledgling nation was that of expansion in the western part of the United States. The pioneers had settled here and these places were highly dispersed. Since, they were isolated by mountain ranges and large distances from the political authorities in the east, they had formed their own governments. Moreover, these far flung lands were claimed by several states and no resolution of this dispute seemed to be in sight. This problem of over lapping claims was resolved by states like New York and Virginia, which ceded all their claims to these territories. In this manner national sovereignty was strengthened. This paper makes a conclusion that the new policy repudiated the time-honored concept that colonies existed for the benefit of the mother country, were politically subordinate, and peopled by social inferiors. Instead, it established the principle that colonies ("territories") were an extension of the nation and entitled, not as a privilege but as a right, to all the benefits of equality. On the 21st of February 1787 a conference was held in which the Virginia plan was proposed by Madison. The Constitution proposed in this convention was sent for ratification to the 13 states of the Union. Delaware was the first state to ratify it on the 7th of December 1787. The Congress is not empowered to decide as to whether a particular person is to be tried or not. This power is vested solely with the executive.
Monday, September 23, 2019
Unit 2 HA499 Capstone Project Research On A Real-Life Healthcare Essay
Unit 2 HA499 Capstone Project Research On A Real-Life Healthcare Organization - Essay Example population, as of February 15, 2012, 25% of this actually belong to the so-called baby boom generation, which has already reached retirement (Rogers, 2012). In 2009, the number of American individuals aged 65 and above was almost 40 million, and this statistics is projected to become 72.1 million in 2030 based on the numbers released by the U.S. Census Bureau (Rogers, 2012). With the increasing number of the aging population, the medical wing of the U.S. faces a great challenge of addressing this proliferating number, which needs to be prioritized in terms of therapies, medicines, and other forms of medical support. In improving access to health care, there are lots of factor to be considered, such as addressing contextual and individual determinants (Andersen et al., 2011). The contextual determinant refers to the â€Å"circumstances†and â€Å"environment†in which healthcare is accessible, such as the availability of healthcare organizations including medical research facilities (Andersen et al., 2011, p. 4). On another perspective, writing theoretical research concerning the health care industry only generates solutions to problems that may or may not be applied in actuality. For instance, a research published by Anderson, Crabtree, Steele, and McDaniel, Jr. (2005) posed a question regarding the practicality of suggested solutions generated by hundreds of researches to the medical practice. Simply saying, the results earned out from prolific researchers remain abstract and a theory all throughout because physicians, nurses, and other health care workers failed to institute and implement those suggestions (Anderson et al., 2005). A lot of researches characterized the health care industry as a â€Å"mechanistic†organization (Anderson et al., 2005, p. 670). This means that the industry is a simple structure and can be predicted using a relational approach that a particular action is predicted to cause this effect (Miller, 1993 as cited in Anderson
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Teaching Without Joy and Learning Without Hope by Gandhi Essay Example for Free
Teaching Without Joy and Learning Without Hope by Gandhi Essay I would like to begin my sharing with this paragraph that I read from the book of Dr. Jesus Palma, on Curriculum Development System: â€Å"The teacher performs two very important functions in the educative process. One function is that of â€Å"character formation†which is caused out through modelling, counselling and the application of behaviour management or discipline. The second function of the teacher is that of â€Å"instruction†which consists of a set of experiences and resources that the teacher and learners utilize to achieve the learning objectives. The two aspects of instruction are â€Å"teaching†and â€Å"learning†. TEACHING is the responsibility of the teacher, a professional adult person trained for the job. It involves the intelligent arrangement of the environment and resources of learning that will evoke the right kind of response from the learners, a group of young maturing individuals under the care of the teacher. LEARNING is done by the learners by using optimally the learning resources and undergoing the planned learning experiences. The common concern of the teacher and the learners is that curricular requirements are met and standards of achievement attained so that learners develop according to the profile of the â€Å"IDEAL GRADUATE†. †Yes, indeed, learning is the top priority in our educational system and teaching or what the teacher does is important only insofar as it advances the intended learning outcomes to have an ideal graduates! I see teaching as a process of â€Å"helping†the learners learn or a process of â€Å"facilitating†learning. The word â€Å"help†and â€Å"facilitate†I think can only be possible with JOY. If learning is the top priority the teacher must not hold back on this so that he/she may able to show HOPE in learning. As I am reflecting, every day I am looking forward to feel the passion and joy to act in this profession though many times I feel it is tough and not easy. I believe that â€Å"teaching without joy†may lead towards â€Å"learning without hope†. Allow me to share with you the following daily reminders of joy and hope for a teacher to avoid these blunders and to keep the joy in teaching and so to advocate hope in learning 1. Harness the virtue of patience inside me: it helps, however, it is much great indeed if I am showing by example how to hold my students with arms of love (hold my temper I guess ? ); 2. Be creative to use different options and utilize every â€Å"tool†(strategy and methodology) that I have. It is really a great help for the students to see from their teacher the effort of being creative, because in creativity there is joy; 3. Be wise not to teach everything that I know, never stops learning from as many sources as possible and not to bother learning what is unimportant to teach wisdom beyond knowledge; 4. Seek always for serenity: I will not allow students to dictate my own mood or my stress level, as much as possible I will choose to stay calm and cool; 5. Learn to listen: we can also learn from our student’s point of view and actions. I am not in the classroom just to give my lecture but I am with them as their guide who willingly partakes in a give and take relationship of love and friendship; 6. Persevere: never give up on my students, continue to motivate, encourage them to turn their dreams into reality and make them realize that a goal is worth pursuing until it is reached; 7. Be gracious in speech: thinking, â€Å"what was the last word I’ve said to my students? †of course it is important to express gratitude for their lives rather than irritation with their faults; 8. Doing what is best: with all sincerity, it is important also to ask God what He desires for my students and then I will line up my teaching efforts accordingly; 9. Radiate Sunshine: I will always remember that every class is a blessing and I shall not forget to light up the classroom with a sincere smile. I will teach with a happy heart; At the end of the day I think it is good to have, 0. A moment of reflection of what had happened in the whole day. If I find myself tired and empty, I will try to restore in me the joy. If I have lost enthusiasm for teaching, I will go back again with my mission statement, I will ask God to renew my vision and courage and recapture the essential meaning of â€Å"Why I became a teacher? †definitely, I am not a perfect teacher bu t I know in my heart I am trying to find my own purpose and meaning as I spend my time in the classroom each day of my life. In all humility, I am accepting this profession as my ministry more of as a job. I am praying that the Master of all Knowledge, the Almighty will give me strength to pursue and enlighten my whole being and so to desire always to give my best and passion in teaching. Teaching is just like a service, Gandhi said: â€Å"Service which rendered without joy helps neither the servant nor the served. But all other pleasures and possessions pale into nothingness before service which is rendered in a spirit of joy†.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Beam Energies Treatment for Lung and Larynx
Beam Energies Treatment for Lung and Larynx Larynx Error Plan Errors: Beam energies for larynx treatment are not correct both fields have 10MV instead of 6MV Field sizes are not right The Right Lateral (RLat) field is too big resulting in shielding errors The Left Lateral (LLat) field is too small and is just skimming the anterior portion of the patients shell The number of fractions on the plan is one (1) instead of 20 daily fractions. The global maximum dose is 110.98% (given as 6103.7 cGy) and is largely outside the Planning Target Volume (PTV), meaning the plan is too hot The 108% region is a hot spot as it exceeds the International Commission on Radiation Units and Measurements (ICRU 50 62) maximum value of 107% The LLat field wedge is too thin 1o, so not helping with uniform dose distribution of the plan, hence the right skewed isodoses and the 108% hot spot The plans maximum spinal cord dose of 5112 cGy, exceeds the maximum dose constraint value for the organ of 5000 cGy. Multi-Leaf Collimators (MLC) use on the plan There is not much conformality to the PTV anteriorly from the RLat field There is insufficient shielding of the neck anteriorly Some MLC are not pulled up properly as they are on the field edge which is better shielded by the Primary collimators The RLat field is over-wedged (60o), resulting in the 108% hotspot region The RLat field is not placed optimally re-collimator angle in order to better avoid the spinal cord The Dose Volume Histogram (DVH) data/graph/chart is insufficient as it is only for the spinal cord excluding for example the PTV information The isocentre could be placed more centrally for the plan Criteria use to evaluate the suitability of the treatment plan This is a conventional parallel-opposed field arrangement, which is suitable for head and neck treatment of the larynx (Barrett and Dobbs, Practical Radiotherapy Planning, page 171). Since this is an error plan, the fields do not match in size though they are parallel opposing. The radical dose prescription is 55 Gy in 20 daily fractions of 2.75 Gy over 4 weeks (Barrett and Dobbs, 4th Ed., page 175). This would apply as a prescription for a T1-2 N0 glottic larynx tumour with a volume of 26-49 cm3 (RSCH, St Lukes Radiotherapy Clinical Protocol, Head and Neck Larynx). Use is made of isodose charts, PTV coverage as indicated by the D95 (95% isodose line), maximum PTV dose (Dmax), maximum spinal cord dose, dose volume histograms (for PTV and spinal cord), and departmental protocols to evaluate the suitability of the treatment plan. The Quantec/Emami et. al. (2013) document of Tolerance of Normal Tissue to Therapeutic Radiation provided the dose constraints for the organs at risk e.g. the spinal cord. NICE guidelines only stipulate an offer of choice of trans-oral microsurgery or radiotherapy to people with newly diagnosed T1b-2 squamous cell carcinoma of the glottic larynx. The plan is optimised by use of beam modifying devices like wedges and MLC (Barrett and Dobbs, page 171), and checking the effect using the planning software. Solutions to eliminate identified errors: The beam energy needs to change from 10MV to 6MV in the field properties of the planning software. This will ensure adequate coverage of the PTV as a significant part of the larynx is very close to the skin. A less energy beam offers less penetration and lower build up depth (for skin sparing effect) for dose deposition. The RLat field size can decrease slightly anteriorly, while the LLat field size can increase slightly to ensure adequate anterior coverage. The fields could also be more symmetrical. The LLat wedges orientation needs to change so that the Thick end is Anterior as per the setup information (Toe in). The number of fractions is should change to 20 from the current one fraction. This would give the appropriate dose prescription for the plan of 55Gy/20#/4weeks/2.75Gy per fraction The current plan is too hot, so the beam weightings need adjusting downwards until the plan conforms to the ICRU limits of maximum 100% + 7% (= 107%), and the lower limit of 100% 5% (= 95%) of the proscription dose (ICRU). This process can also improve by correcting the wrongly orientated LLat wedge and using a better wedge angle on it, as well as adjusting down the angle of the over-wedged RLat wedge. Correcting the 108% hotspot region is through adjusting the wedge angles, re-orienting the LLat wedge and adjusting the field weightings. The thin 1o LLat wedge angle needs changing up to 30o for the wedge to have an effect on the isodose distribution, on top of reversing its orientation. This would help in creating a uniform dose distribution for the plan and a reduction/elimination in/of hotspots. According to the Quantec/Emami et al. (2013) guidelines, the spinal cord is to receive a maximum core dose of 50Gy, but the current plan is exceeding this limit. Adjusting theÂÂ collimator angle for the fields to be parallel to the spinal cord will help avoid treating this critical organ This is also aided by reducing the field weightings, adjusting the wedge angles and orientation of one of them, adjusting the field sizes posteriorly. The MLC leaves need to close where they are open outside the treatment field edges. There is a leaf to shield the anterior corner of the neck but is pulled back, so needs to be part of the configuration. There are five (5) pairs of almost central leaves, that are on the field edges inferiorly and superiorly, they need pulling back by 0.5 cm from the field edge so they do not interfere with primary collimation (Royal Surrey County Hospital (RSCH), St Lukes Radiotherapy Clinical Protocols). Adjusting the RLat field size anteriorly will aid in correcting the shielding of the neck and improve conformality to the PTV. The RLat field wedge needs reducing to at most 30o to aid uniform dose distribution and reduction of hotspots. Changing the collimator angle of the RLat field so that it is parallel to the spinal cord, will avoid treating through this critical organ. This will result in reducing the spinal cords maximum dose for the plan to within the organs maximum dose constraint value of less than 50Gy, thus aiding in optimising the plan. The DVH information of the plan should include the PTV data and line plot to enable plan evaluation of its suitability. Making the isocentre more central may improve the uniform dose distribution of the plan. Suitability of Plan and Alternative beam arrangement According to De Virgilio, A., et. al. (2012), there is currently no set therapeutic gold standard for the treatment of laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma. This contributes to a lack of consistency and inhomogeneity in treatment planning. The plan under consideration is a 2D conventional plan, which in itself is suitable with the exception of the errors, but is not optimal. The identified errors are correctable and the plan optimisable. In remaining with the conventional plan, a third anterior low-neck field with a light weighting (3DCRT) is an option to improve dose distribution and eliminate hotspots. However, this would require the addition of electron beams to match the photon fields, according to Herrassi, M. Y., Bentayeb, F, and Malisan M. R. (page 98-105). Another option is to use Intensity Modulated RadioTherapy (IMRT) with 3 or 5 beams, or Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy (VMAT) with one arc, (Matthiesen C, SinghÂÂ H, Mascia et. al. (2012)). IMRT offers more conformalit y in regards to carotid arteries as stated by Gomez, D., Cahlon, O., et. al. (2010). Portaluri, M., et. al (2006), suggest that 3D Field-in-Field techniques are a valid alternative as they offer the best global performance when considering PTV coverage and parotid sparing. Conclusion The task was instrumental in reinforcing the importance of understanding the process of treatment planning, and how to check the suitability of the plan before its approval. There is not much information to work with in suggesting alternative beam arrangements. Useful information could have been correct TNM classification, appropriate oncological classification taking into account the anatomic-embryologic and functional complexity of the larynx. There were glaring errors in the plan, and as an exercise, they were useful in sharpening treatment planning knowledge. IMRT is the preferred treatment technique that is efficacious especially for parotid gland and carotid artery sparing. Lung Plan Errors: Beam energies should all be 6MV, some are 10MV on the plan There are too many fields for the plan The LLat beam is going through the contralateral lung The field placement of the right posterior oblique (RPO) is not optimal as its MLCs are shielding part of the PTV contributing to the inadequate 95% dose coverage of the PTV. The global max value of 109% exceeds the ICRU guidelines, meaning the plan is very hot in places. There is an 80% hot spot on the chest, which is very hot for the area close to the skin There are many wedges on this plan resulting in hot and cold spots and a high dose gradient in the PTV. The Right Lateral and Anterior fields are over-wedged, resulting in the 80% and 109% hot spots. The RPO and LLat field wedge angles are not conventional (50o and 33o respectively, when considering the standard wedge angle specifications of 15o, 30o, 45o and 60o. The Lateral fields (Right Lateral and Left Lateral), are too big in relation to the size of the PTV, resulting in unnecessary irradiation of healthy tissue. The current plan exceeds the spinal cord core dose (maximum 50Gy), as interpreted from the DVH data. There is less than 95% PTV coverage laterally , resulting in a max dose to the PTV of 5304 cGy, which is very much less than the expected 6080 cGy (95% of 6400 cGy). Criteria use to evaluate the suitability of the treatment plan Barrett and Dobbs (page 252), acknowledge that there are a number of challenges to covering the PTV fully and remaining within the ICRU constraints, while maintaining acceptable toxicity levels at the same time. A three (3) field conformal plan is normally used for stage I or II non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). A compromise on choosing the best plan is mostly dependent upon the location and size of the PTV, and its closeness to critical structures, like the spinal cord and oesophagus. The plan should try to minimise dose to the contralateral lung as much as possible by using anterior oblique, posterior oblique and lateral beams. Beam modifying devices such as wedges compensate for obliquity at the chest, with MLC shielding conforms each beam to the shape of the PTV (Dobbs and Barrett). Use is made of the Quantec/Emami et. al. (2013), document on Tolerance of Normal Tissue to Therapeutic Radiation in checking dose constraints to organs at risk e.g. brachial plexus, oesophagus and spinal cord. Plan evaluation also uses isodose charts, dose volume histograms and departmental protocols to establish the suitability of the plan. NICE guidelines for Radiotherapy with curative intent for Non-small cell Lung Cancer stipulate that the patient should have good performance status (WHO 0 or 1). It says, CHART should be offered first, but if unavailable then conventional radiotherapy of 64-66 Gy in 32-33 fractions over 6 ÂÂ ½ weeks or 55 Gy in 20 fractions over 4 weeks is the next option. This plan is for 64 Gy in 32 fractions over 6 ÂÂ ½ weeks, so meets with this criterion. Dobbs and Barrett (page 253), mention that careful evaluation of the plan using DVHs is especially important when considering keeping the V20 below 32 per cent (the volume of lung receiving more than 20Gy of the dose). Solutions to eliminate identified errors: Barrett and Dobbs (page 255), point out that beam energies above 10 MV should be avoided due to greater range of secondary electrons in lung tissue, which result in a wider penumbra and thus more radiation to normal tissue. Beam energy of 6MV is adequate, while use of 10MV is for separation at the centre is greater than 28 cm. (Dobbs and Barrett, page 252). As no mention of the separation, it is appropriate to use 6MV on all the beams for this plan instead on mixed energies. This is a conventional plan, and the common number of beams 3 instead of the current 5. The many fields have not helped in conforming the plan to the PTV and improving the dose distribution, but have contributed in unnecessary irradiation of normal tissues. So, removal of the anterior and left lateral beams, would bring the plan back to a conformal 3 field plan. The right posterior oblique field would need setting at around 215o-225o in order to cover the PTV better and its MLC not to shield the PTV as at the present. (RSCH and London Cancer centre protocols). The left lateral field is treating through the contralateral lung, which is operationally against ICRP (2007), ICRU and IR(ME)R 2000 guidelines of keeping dose as low as reasonably achievable (ALARA) to patients, employees and the general public. The corrective measure is to remove the left lateral field from the plan. The gantry angle for the right posterior field is not optimal and moving it to around 215o-225o range would improve coverage of the PTV and avoid the spinal cord, even though the MLC is shielding the cord (ideal) in the current setup but also part of the PTV that is not ideal and compromising the 95% coverage of the PTV. The global maximum value of 109% exceeds the ICRU target of maximum 107% within the PTV. Removing the anterior and left lateral fields, and adjusting the over-wedged posterior and right lateral field wedge angles to either 15o or 30o depending on the uniformity of the dose distribution within the PTV, will rectify this issue. The remaining field weights will need adjusting as well to fully optimise the plan. Moving the RPO beam angle to between 215o and 225o, as well as reducing the wedge angle to 30o and removing the anterior beam from the plan will correct the 80% hotspot region. Removing the anterior field will effectively eliminate the 80% hot spot region on the chest. Removing the left lateral field and wedging the right anterior oblique field will help in reducing or eliminating the 109% hot spot region in the PTV. These measures will also result in more uniformity in dose distribution when combined with adjusting the weights of the remaining fields. The current plan has many wedged fields (some over-wedged), which is rectified by removing the anterior and left lateral field from the plan, adjusting the right lateral wedge angle to either 15o or 30o, and that of the posterior field from 50o to either 15o or 30o and inserting a 15o or 30o wedge on the anterior oblique field. This should improve the uniformity of the dose distribution within the PTV. The non-conventional wedge angles of the posterior and left lateral fields (50o and 33o respectively), have not improved the dose distribution in any noticeable way, as there is still a high dose gradient in the PTV. Reverting to the standard angles and using either 15o or 30o at most, would improve the dose distribution of the plan. The two lateral fields are too big; therefore adjusting them posteriorly would improve the PTV coverage of the plan and less irradiation of normal tissue. The left lateral field however needs taking off the plan altogether. The current plan shows excessive dose to the spinal cord and according to the Quantec/Emami et. al. (2013) document, the maximum core dose to the spinal cord should not exceed 50Gy. Moving the right posterior field angle to 215o-225o range and removing the anterior beam will correct this anomaly The less than 95% coverage of the PTV is achieved by: positioning the posterior field optimally (between 215o and 225o), so that the MLC will not shield the PTV but still manage to shield the spinal cord; adjusting the field sizes of the oblique fields; applying 15o or 30o wedge to the right anterior oblique field andÂÂ adding MLCs to it so that it conforms the PTV better thus improving the dose distribution to the plan; and applying MLCs to the right lateral field to conform the PTV better. Suitability of Plan and Alternative beam arrangement This plan is not suitable for patient treatment in many respects, as highlighted by the errors identified. Improving it is by reverting to the conventional three field/beam plan, with two right oblique fields and the right lateral field as the third one (Barrett and Dobbs, page 252). Other treatment techniques, e.g. IMRT (with emphasis on carotid sparing), helical tomotherapy, VMAT have been found to offer better results on dosimetric comparisons. However, a multi-modality approach could be the best approach when considering new data coming from immunology, molecular biology and genetics on top of the usual surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy treatment options (Franco, P., et. al. (2016)). Conclusion This exercise highlighted the importance of quality assurance and having several layers of checking the suitability of treatment plans that are eventually used on the patients.
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