Monday, May 25, 2020
Racism, Violence, And Poisoning Media - 845 Words
I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.(Martin Luther King, Jr.) It has been decades since the 1963 March in Washington where Martin Luther King s I Have a Dream speech was delivered. However, none of us can say we have fully lived up to Dr. King s vision of a land where each person would be judged by the content of their character, rather than the color of their skin. According to the history of nations and what we are living today, racism continues building hate, violence, and poisoning media. Race is a significant social issue because people use racial differences as the basis for discrimination. Much of today s racism can be traced to the era of colonialism that began in the 1400s. Racism is the systematic practice of denying people access to rights, representation, or resources based on racial differences. Institutionalized racism is a thorough syste m of discrimination that involves social institutions and affects virtually every aspect of society. It s important to remember that racism is neither natural nor inevitable. â€Å"Hating people because of their color is wrong. And it doesn t matter which color does the hating. It s just plain wrong.†(Muhammad Ali) Racial hate has spread amongst people in some nations such as The United States. Despite the election of our nation s first African-American president, African AmericansShow MoreRelatedRacism And The Health Of Indigenous Women Essay1466 Words  | 6 Pagesmost extreme instance of environmental racism in modern history, and the health of indigenous women was particularly abused. Indigenous women have experienced the intersection of environmental destruction, sexism, and racism in remarkably horrific ways for over five centuries. As Kimberlà © Crenshaw articulates, â€Å"intersectionality was a lived reality before it became a term.†There are numerous instances of sexual violence-related racism and environmental racism committed against indigenous women.Read MoreStreet Art : Street Artist1044 Words  | 5 PagesI believe there are two ways of looking at a situation; you can focus on the bad or choose to see the good. Street art is a topic that falls under one of those situations. Many people associate street art with gangs, vandalism, violence, and other controversial topics. Being realistic, it is understandable why society may have this opinion of street art, but it also serves many other significant purposes. Street art can be used as a medium to voice political and social opinions of a community, andRead MoreMarijuana Reform Essay1610 Words à ‚ | 7 PagesAlthough I admit that there are a lot of loop holes in this argument, I feel that I need to tell everyone how far less dangerous marijuana is than already legal substances such as alcohol or tobacco. Around 50,000 people die each year from alcohol poisoning. Similarly, more than 400,000 deaths each year are attributed to tobacco smoking. Someone would have to smoke over 1400 pounds of marijuana in less than 15 minutes to kill themselves - which, needless to say, is impossible. Everyone knows the detrimentalRead MoreConsumer behaviour in marketing ethics1871 Words  | 8 Pagesits policies to fund environmental causes, where as other leading banks are more concerned about return on capital. We are at an age where information is available from a click of a button, with the accessibility of the internet and various other media sources, to inform us of any corporate wrong doings. This has led to a rise in consumer activism, for example the boycott against petrol retailers in the UK due to high prices. We also had a highly publicised boycott of French imports during the BSERead MoreSubstance Abuse15082 Words  | 61 Pages DOMESTIC VIOLENCE is one of the most common crimes. It is present throughout society, usually hidden, but there, nontheless. Violence between adults who are in an intimate or family relationship with each other, most often a sexual relationship between a woman and a man. Overwhelmingly, the recipients of the violence are women and the perpetrators are men. It is clear that women do sometimes abuse men and that violence can occur in lesbian and gay relationships. Read MoreWhat Are the Major Issues That Cause Inner City Youth to Join Gangs and Become Delinquent? Discuss Whether the New Labour Government’s Policies Have Been Effective in Solving These Issues?8138 Words  | 33 Pagesin the UK is intensified by the media, it is very rare to read a daily paper these days without coming across some mention of gang related crime. In order to understand why some of the young people living in the global city join gangs it is important to have a clear definition of what a gang is an d to also investigate the role of the media in generating stereotypes or pre-conceived ideas about gangs. In a later chapter I will discuss briefly the role of the media as one of the causes of youth crimeRead MoreAn Analysis of Terrorism Essay9824 Words  | 40 Pagespolitical act against a government and it’s citizenry, secondly, it is viewed as a coercive means to change some policy through the application of violence upon society . Finally terrorism adheres to the unlawfullness of acts as a mode of political change. For the purpose of this study terrorism is defined as a strategy whereby violence is used to produce certain effects in a group of people so an to attain some political end or ends. Terrorism can be traced back in Iran since theRead MoreEssay on The Glory and The Dream9497 Words  | 38 Pagesthe Army accused Cohn of pressuring the army to give his friend David Schine special treatment. McCarthy tried to make many accusations dealing with security risks in the U.S. Army. This hearing led Cohn to resigning as chief counsel and extended media coverage of McCarthy revealed his horrible and ruthless personality to the public. This led to the end of McCarthy’s support and the end of McCarthyism. 3. What changes were occurring in American society? a. As the 1950’s came around, it was a timeRead MorePdf, Docx7181 Words  | 29 PagesHarming the honor or the interests of the nation 4. Inciting hatred against peoples, racism against peoples, or disrupting the solidarity of peoples 5. Disrupting national policies on religion, propagating evil cults, and propagating feudal superstitions 6. Spreading rumors, compiling and promulgating false news, disturbing social order, or disrupting social stability 7. Spreading obscenity, pornography, gambling, violence, terror, or abetting the commission of a crime 8. Insulting or defaming third partiesRead MoreOne Significant Change That Has Occurred in the World Between 1900 and 2005. Explain the Impact This Change Has Made on Our Lives and Why It Is an Important Change.163893 Words  | 656 Pages53 3 Women in the Twentieth-Century World Bonnie G. Smith 83 4 The Gendering of Human Rights in the International Systems of Law in the Twentieth Century †¢ Jean H. Quataert 116 5 The Impact of the Two World Wars in a Century of Violence †¢ John H. Morrow Jr. 161 6 Locating the United States in Twentieth-Century World History †¢ Carl J. Guarneri 213 7 The Technopolitics of Cold War: Toward a Transregional Perspective †¢ Gabrielle Hecht and Paul N. Edwards 271 8
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
My Education Philosophy - 1511 Words
Personal Mission Statement Education is the imparting and acquiring of knowledge and skills through teaching and learning. As an educator, my personal mission statement is to master my subject area in order to serve as a role model for my students thereby producing students who thoroughly understand the subject matter, and who develop holistically. In order to achieve this goal I must have a set education philosophy with a strong Christian worldview. I must also have a general understanding of the different world and education philosophies. Metaphysics Metaphysics is defined as the branch of philosophy that examines the true nature of reality whether visible or invisible. Metaphysics includes the relationship between mind and matter, substance and attribute, and, fact and value. Idealists believe that only the mental is ultimate reality and that the mental world of ideas is permanent, regular and orderly (Berumen, 2014). They affirm that reality is essentially spiritual or mental and denies the possibility of knowing anything except ideas. Idealists theorize that ultimate reality is solely in the mind and argues that the universe is an expression of highly generalized intelligence and will (Gutek, 1997, p. 18). In summary, Idealists believe that what exists really exists, and cannot be changed because it is permanent, and cannot be new because it is regular. In contrast to Idealists, Pragmatists believes that there are no unchanging or eternal truths. Pragmatists rejectShow MoreRelatedMy Teaching Philosophy Of Education880 Words  | 4 PagesAccording to the Education Philosophy test that we took in class, my education philosophy matched with social reconstruction. Social Reconstructionist believes that systems must keep changing to improve human conditions. Also, emphasizes social questions and to create a better society. Social reconstructionist believe that you have to start over to make things better. While going through the PowerPoint that explained what social reconstitution is, in a deeper way, I came to the conclusion that socialRead MoreMy Philosophy On The Philosophy Of Education844 Words  | 4 PagesIn mathematics, as in life, everything must be brought to the simplest of terms. I base my teaching philosophy on the foundation that every student is capable of learning mathematics. I will strive, as a teacher, to ensure t hat my students are able to have a strong foundation of mathematical skills when they leave my classroom. Some students believe that they are not mathematically gifted; therefore, incapable of learning mathematics. I believe to the contrary, all students with motivation, sustainedRead MoreMy Philosophy On Philosophy Of Education852 Words  | 4 PagesMy Philosophy of Education My philosophy of education is founded on a belief that all students have a desire to learn and to feel accepted. Learning takes place when students are able to have their specific needs meet inside the classroom, to feel accepted in the environment, and find the learning to be meaningful. I believe that before learning can take place a proper educational environment must be present inside the classroom. In order to make any classroom work I believe you need meet three criteriaRead MoreMy Philosophy Of Education As A Education864 Words  | 4 Pagesdifferent philosophy of education, and what purpose education serves in a child’s life. The five philosophies of education that we recognize are: Essentialism, Perennialism, Progressivism, Social Reconstructionism, and Existentialism. I would most recognize my philosophy of education as Essentialism. Essentialism has been a dominant influence in American education since World War II. It focuses on core curriculum of traditional academic topics. I believe that the purpose of education is teachingRead MoreMy Philosophy of Education824 Words  | 4 Pages13 February 2011 My Philosophy of Education I believe that progressivism educational philosophy most closely matches my educational ideals. In my opinion based on the progressivism educational philosophy, the purpose of education is to enable students to learn useful knowledge that has meaning to them in the future. Thus, the most useful education for students is the skill of â€Å"learning how to learn†. When students understand the methodsRead MoreMy Philosophy Of Education And Education1038 Words  | 5 PagesMy Philosophy of Education When trying coming up with a personal philosophy of education, I had to ask myself what the purpose of education is. To me, the purpose of education is to teach students knowledge that is needed to make it through school and to succeed in the world after graduation. Anyone can go into teaching, but not every teacher can teach. Teachers go above and beyond to introduce methods, philosophies, and strategies to help their students learn, as well as, retain the informationRead MoreMy Philosophy Of Education1056 Words  | 5 PagesPhilosophy of Student Engagement My philosophy of education is that every child should receive high quality education that is inclusive, relevant and meaningful to their life. I am a firm believer of making pedagogy relatable to my students. My vision is driven by my personal experiences with the American school system. I was what is thought of as â€Å"A child at risk†. I am an immigrant, black, Muslim student. My life is transactional as I am a part of multiple marginalized groups. Most of my teachersRead MoreMy Philosophy Of Education And Education864 Words  | 4 PagesPhilosophy of Education Children are the future and their education is the key to our society’s success. When considering this, I realize I have an immense responsibility as an educator. The main focuses of my teaching are active learning, building character within students, and providing meaningful curriculum. I want to create a comfortable setting where every student feels safe to learn. In many ways, my philosophy agrees with the holistic approach to education. I feel this challenges the studentRead MoreMy Philosophy on Education814 Words  | 3 PagesMy Philosophy of Education I think when I made the decision to become a teacher I was not thinking the seriousness of this decision. When we become teachers we also become the molder that will shape our student to be successful in life. But when you decide to become a teacher in a Christian school you are not only shaping this student to be successful in life but we are also shaping their Christian mind to do things with a feeling knowing that they are shape and where made by the image of GodRead MoreMy Philosophy Of Education1015 Words  | 5 Pagesimmediately sparked my interest in becoming an educator and share my personal beliefs on the important aspects of education. In addition to this, I will present various traits I believe are essential and critical for teachers to successfully fulfill their role as an educator. During my elementary years, I developed an urge to frequently ask many questions during the school day. Being able to question anything was astonishing to me. This was because my parents were unable to answer my questions and help
Friday, May 15, 2020
Wal-Mart Ethics Essay - 2348 Words
Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. is currently entangled in a legal battle that will decide if the company has engaged willfully in gender-based discrimination. Underlying causes, organizational culture and ethical issues will be examined in determining how the largest private employer in the United States could have fallen prey to unfair labor practices. In 1999, women constituted 72% of Wal-Marts hourly employees, but only 33% of its managerial employees (Bhatnagar, 2004). This fact and many others are the reasons many people allege that Wal-Mart has unfair labor practices. The Dukes v. Wal-Mart case challenged the hiring, promotion and pay practices of Wal-Mart. The case was filed in June 2001. When the case reached class certification†¦show more content†¦Another root cause of Wal-Marts problem is their lack of a formal job posting policy. Associates are not made aware of management level openings. Those who selected to move up in the organization are picked by store and division level management staff without regard to skill or educational requirements. This system is described as a tap on the shoulder process (Betty Dukes v. Wal-Mart Stores, Inc 2004). Another underlying problem for Wal-Mart is the companys policy to promote from within the company. This reinforces the organizational bad culture and practices. There are many unresolved issues with Wal-Mart that have made the news. The hourly pay scale for employees at the store level is below the Federal poverty level, many of the employees cant afford health care, and inequality of hiring women for management positions. The average Wal-Mart employee earns $8.00 an hour, with the average work week being about 32 hours. This equates to $256 a week or $13,312 a year. The Federal poverty level for a family of three is $14,630 (Brownstein 2005). Wal-Marts personnel polices are directed to keep wages cheap. Wal-Mart does this so they can maximize their profits. The health benefits for a Wal-Mart employee costs 20% of the average employees paycheck. Of their 1.2 million employees, 2/3 of the employees cant afford the health benefits. Over the last 12 years,Show MoreRelatedEthics and Management of Wal-Mart2569 Words  | 11 Pagesvalues, morals and ethics have become increasingly complex in a postmodern society where absolutes have gi ven way to tolerance and ambiguity. This particularly affects managers in Human Resources, where decisions will affect people’s jobs and their future employment. This paper will look at the history of Wal-Mart and it will glance at the management style and Ethics of Wal-Mart towards it internal and external customers. Wal-Mart Ethical and Management Style Wal-Mart is not only theRead MoreWal-Mart Ethics Case Essay1998 Words  | 8 PagesWal-Mart is the largest grocery chain in the world, second largest company on Fortune’s 500 2012 list, and the largest employer in North America. Wal-Mart is faced with many dilemmas and issues that can be expected of such a large and imposing organization. These problems include environmental issues, employee’s issues, leadership issues, supplier issues and creating an uncompetitive market. This is not an exhaustive list, and Wal-Mart has other dilemmas as well, but this paper will concentrate onRead MoreBusiness Ethics: Child Labor in Wal-Mart8552 Words  | 35 PagesPart A: Introduction There are several ways to define ethics. Ethic is a set of principles of right and wrong behavior guiding. Ethical person will behave in accordance with sound moral principles based on fairness, justice and trust (Wiley, 1995). The purpose of ethic is to provide an environment that allows people to live a more structured, happy life than would exist without ethics (Warnock, 1971). Business ethic is examination of variety of problems that can arise from business environmentRead MoreThe Ethics of the Wal-Mart Model887 Words  | 4 PagesThe Ethics of the Wal-Mart Model There are many opinions on the ethics of the Wal-Mart model, both favourable and unfavourable. The article â€Å"ROB Ranks Wal-Mart Among Canada’s Best Employers†(McLachlan, 2009, pg. 287) offers a favourable viewpoint of the model, and the article â€Å"The Cost of Walmartization†(McLachlan, 2009, pg. 288) offers an opposing unfavourable view. This paper discusses the theoretical approaches used in each article, along with the supporting evidence that was used in anRead MoreWal Mart s Latest Ethics Controversy Essay853 Words  | 4 PagesWal-Mart’s Latest Ethics Controversy Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. is the world s largest retail enterprise, with total revenue of $421.8 billion and a net income of $16.4 billion in 2011. 1 It is also the world s largest employer, with 2.1 million employees worldwide in 2010 2, not including workers hired by its providers. In my opinion, Wal-Mart provides a clear illustration through which to look at how many multinational companies (MNCs) take part in an illegal and unethical behavior. They use theirRead MorePersonal And Organizational Ethics : Wal Mart Corporate1814 Words  | 8 Pages Week One Journal Mornic Davis PHI445: Personal Organizational Ethics Prof: Robert Wengrzyn August 24, 2015 Week One Journal Place the name of the Not-For-Profit Organization here: Shriners Hospitals for Children Place the name of the For-Profit Organization here: Wal-Mart Corporate Reflection Prompt # 1 Summarize three of the ethical theories that are explained in Chapter 1 of Introduction to Business Ethics. Explain how people running businesses would construct their companies ifRead MoreWalmart and Its Associates Efficient Operator or Neglectful Employer1479 Words  | 6 PagesDiscrimination 4 Dominance Policies 4 Unionisation 5 Wal-Mart: Past and new allegations 5 Conclusion 6 References 7 Introduction: Ethical Issues (Appendix A) Wal-Mart had been criticized for its worst CSR practices which includes low wages for the employees (Karen, 2004). Immoral activity of paying low for more and the overtime works had been held (Karen, 2004) .The quantitative records of designations in the company showed that Wal-Mart had sexual discrimination in its organization (TheRead MoreMgt/330 Week 2 Team Paper External/Internal Factors of Planning1293 Words  | 6 Pagesinnovation; diversity; and ethics. These factors as they apply to Wal-Mart, one of the leading retail stores in the world, will be examined in this paper. During the past decade, retail markets have undergone many changes in their processes, services, and formats. The last part of distribution of the market strategy, retailing serves as a bridge between the final consumer and the mass producers of products. Retailing has reached every corner of the globe, and Wal-Mart has been eying areas whereRead MoreInternal and External Factors of Wal-Mart.1220 Words  | 5 PagesWal-Mart is a company that has always presented the image to go the extra mile to meet customer satisfaction. They have been able to grow in times when most companies were facing hardship. The implementation of in January 2000 was a major step for the Wal-Mart organization. Their globalization, e-business, and ethics have been essential in the success of this and any company. Many people claim the ethics of Wal-Mart has changed greatly, and not for the better, since the death of Sam WaltonRead MoreWal Marts Statement Of Ethics1716 Words  | 7 Pagesinfor mation (Stanwick Stanwick, 2009). Wal-Mart’s Statement of Ethics has a specific section dedicated to protecting personal and business information. In the daily business of a Wal-Mart associated they may be exposed to personal and business information about other coworkers, customers, suppliers and the company. Associates are expected to protect the information in accordance to the best practice standards and applicable laws (Wal-Mart Statement of Ethics, 2008). Trade secrets of the company
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Essay on Antigone Is a Tragedy by Aristotles Rules
What are Aristotle’s five rules that are necessary to a tragedy? The play Antigone by Sophocles is considered a tragedy. There are five rules created by Aristotle that classify a tragedy. All plays must have catharsis, a tragic hero, a change in fortune within a character, must be poetic, and happen in one location, in one day, and it is all closely related. Two main characters are the king Creon and a girl named Antigone. Antigone is a tragedy because it exhibits and follows all five of Aristotle’s rules. The first rule of Greek tragedy is it must have catharsis. Catharsis is having pity or terror. A character must scare the audience or make the audience feel bad for them. After the play audience must want to lead a better life. In†¦show more content†¦Catharsis is a big part of Antigone and also Greek tragedy. When you want to have a play that is a tragedy, a tragic hero is necessary. This tragic hero must be of high social standing. They must have a tragic f law, something bad in their character, or make a bad decision that ruins a lot of people’s lives. The tragic hero in Antigone is Creon, the king. Creon is of high social standing because he is the king of Thebes. His major tragic flaw is he is arrogant. I will bring her there the path is loneliest, / and hide her alive in a rocky cavern there. I’ll give just enough food as shall suffice†¦ / Perhaps she will win from him escape from death / or at least in that last moment will recognize / her honoring of the dead is a labor lost (833-842) In this quote Creon is making himself look like he is taking charge and punishing Antigone harshly. He is trying to amplify what he plans to do to Antigone. He is being too proud. In reality, though, he did not do these things to the degree he boasts about to Antigone. Creon makes it seem that he is cruel, but he really is not as cruel as he appears. Another time, the prophet is calling Creon out. Yield to the dead man; do not stab him– / now he is goneâ€â€what bravery is this, / to inflict another death apon the dead? I mean you well and speak well for your good. It is never sweeter to learn from a good counselor / than when he counsels to your benefit.†(1078-1083) In this quote, the prophet is callingShow MoreRelatedThe Tragic Criteria Present in Antigone by Sophocles861 Words  | 4 Pagesend a tragedy is through conspiracies, love, or hatred. In the story Antigone written by Sophocles, it demonstrates a tragedy filled with consequences to the characters. Antigone shows similarities to Aristotle’s paradigm because of the plot, characterization, and actions that were pursued throughout this story. In Aristotle’s Poetics, he puts his view of how a tragedy should be portrayed to make the concept of it more understandable towards the audience. Through the usages of Aristotle’s criteriaRead MoreAristotle and Nicomachean Ethics1382 Words  | 6 Pageshappiness. By using Sophocless Antigone, I will support Aristotles theory of virtue in which he reasons it to be a state of character between two extremes. A virtue that remains relevant today as it did during Aristotles era is that of courage. By using Aristotles account on what represents the virtue of courage, I will demonstrate how it could be applied to the dilemma the characters of Antigone encounter. Even his definition of justice is based on the notion that rule and legal doctrine should lieRead MoreEssay about Plato and Aristotles Definition of Art1274 Words  | 6 Pageson the matter. Their views were greatly influenced by their metaphysical beliefs, as were most philosophical theories at the time. In investigating the two philosophers’ conceptions, Sophocles’ tragedy Antigone will be the subject on which they’ll be examined critically. In order to grasp Aristotle’s views on art it is important to look at his metaphysics first. However, since his metaphysics are essentially a response to the theories of his teacher, it is central to our examinations to familiarizeRead MoreCreon Is The Tragic Hero Of Antigone734 Words  | 3 Pagesâ€Å"Theres nothing, no pain, our lives are paid, in private shame, no public disgrace, nothing I havent seen in your griefs and mine†(Antigone 1-8). The Burial at Thebes is a version of Sophocles’ Antigone translated by Seamus Heaney. Antigone is a tragedy by the ancient Greek playwright Sophocles written around 442 BCE. The civil war is over. After the tragic death of the Oedipus, everyone would take the throne from one year to the next. Creon orders Eteocles to be buried with full honors, whileRead MoreComparing Aristotle s The Play Antigone 1066 Words  | 5 Pageswithin the play. Aristotle believed that it took all of these elements to create a good pie ce of literature. The play Antigone by Sophocles contains all of Aristotle’s poetics in one way or another. This review will focus on the elements of plot, character, and melody. Aristotle says that a plot is essential to any story, so of course it must be reviewed. The plot of a Greek tragedy typically has a certain structure. The structure is made up of 5 parts; the prologue, the parode, the episode, theRead MoreThe Tragedy Of Antigone And Aristotles Description Of A Classic Hero864 Words  | 4 Pages The tragedy of Antigone is an amazing story of the tragedy that Thebes experienced. At the end of the story one is still left wondering who is the hero and who is the villain. This question has been asked since the story was ever told. After reading the story I am going to explain why Creon best suits the role of hero according to Aristotle’s description of a classic hero. Aristotle wrote six characteristics of a classic hero and I am going to use them to explain why Creon is the hero. TheRead More Pathetic vs Ethical1997 Words  | 8 PagesAristotle’s Poetics is a â€Å"reservoir of the themes and schemes deployed in ancient Greek tragedy and poetry†(Poetics iii). Written around 330 B.C., it was the first work of literature to make a distinction amongst the various literary genres and provide a proper analysis of them. In Poetics, Aristotle places a big emphasis on the genre of tragedy. When one hears of the word tragedy, one already assumes that something bad has occurred to an individual and an immediate emotion of sorrow occurs, butRead MoreHow Does Humanity Still Afford The Time?1422 Words  | 6 Pagesthis is Aristotle. Despite living in a time when not many means were available, he effectively constructed a definition that allows humanity to fully comprehend tragic heroes of drama. Using Aristotle’s criteria, one can identify Sophocles’s antagonist, Creon, as a tragic hero. Creon complies with Aristotle’s definition of a tragic hero by possessing high status in his society and being neither all benign nor all evil. He fulfills the first of these requirements by being the king of Thebes. AfterRead MoreCreon as Tragic Hero1586 Words  | 7 PagesTragedy at its Finest In the Greek play Antigone, Creon and Antigone can both be claimed the title of Tragic Hero. Creon was made king when Oedipus Rex fled the kingship. Creon is the brother in law of Oedipus, and was giving the kingship only because Oedipus’s sons, Eteocles and Polyneices were killed trying to fight for the thrown. Antigone is Oedipus’s daughter and Creon’s niece. When it comes down to who the tragic hero is, Creon most definitely walks away with the title. A tragic heroRead MoreCreon: A Tragic Hero in Antigone606 Words  | 2 Pagestragic heros fit perfectly into both categories. In Sophocles’ Antigone, Creon is considered a tragic hero. Creon follows Aristotles definition of a tragic hero by being a noble character by choice, having important potential, and falls due to miscalculations with circumstances that are beyond control. Being noble does not always mean being a ruler, or a member of a royal family. Being noble can mean many other things. In Antigone, Creon becomes a noble character by choice when he slowly and
Raymond Carvers Cathedral Essay - 955 Words
nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;As with many short stories, Raymond Carver’s â€Å"Cathedral†only has a few pages to develop his main character and create a scenario he or she must learn from or achieve something from or change because of. In such a short amount of space, word choice is integral in constructing a solid impression of the characters and their personalities in the reader’s mind. Carver’s simple use of language and sentence structure combined with his choice for point of view creates an intriguing tone and believable character interaction. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;This story, written as the thoughts of the narrator, is about an old blind friend of his wife’s coming to visit for the first time. The story focuses on the†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"I’m saying that at the end of the summer she let the blind man run his hands over her face, said goodbye to him married her childhood etc., who was now a commissioned officer†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (218). Every time this officer that is his wife’s first husband comes up in the story, the narrator moves on to other subjects quickly. This reveals a jealousy in him that is not plainly written in the story. It allows the reader to learn about the narrator as he sets up the story. Because of this set up, the reader is able to expect and easily see the narrator’s jealousy as he is later introduced to the blind man. He also omits names. The reader never learns the names of the narrator or his wife, though she is frequently involved in the story. This allows the reader to focus on essential characteristics of the character. The wife is merely the wife. The blind man is blind. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Choice of point of view can change the tone and entire meaning gained from a story. The tone of this story would have been much different if it were written from the wife’s point of view. She would not have been seen as the static nagging wife stereotype, the husband himself would have probably be viewed as unsupportive and a slacker, and the reader would have gained a better understanding of who this blind man was. However, for the sake of the story, the importance of the blind man is that he is blind. This is what is important to the narrator and this is what theShow MoreRelated`` Cathedral `` By Raymond Carver992 Words  | 4 Pages â€Å"Cathedral†is a short story that was written by Raymond Carver in 1981. Raymond Carver is most well known for his short stories and is even an writer credited with reviving the then dying form of literature. A part of a collection of short stories, â€Å"Cathedral†was the last to be published and was included in 1982’s Best American Short Stories. â€Å"Cathedral is different from the other works of Carver due to the humanistic realism that is given to his characters, which had not been seen before in hisRead MoreCathedral (by Raymond Carver)1131 Words  | 5 PagesCathedral: A Lesson for the Ages Raymond Carver s short story, Cathedral, portrays a story in which many in today s society can relate. We are introduced from the first sentence of the story to a man that seems to be perturbed and agitated. As readers, we are initially unsure to the reasoning s behind the man s discomfort. The man, who seems to be a direct portrayal of Raymond Carver himself, shows his ignorance by stereotyping a blind man by the name of Robert, who has come to stay withRead MoreThe Cathedral By Raymond Carver Essay937 Words  | 4 Pages â€Å"Cathedral†Born on May 25, 1938 in Clatskanie, Oregon, Raymond Carver was destined to be a writer. He was a son of a sawmill worker and grew up working hard majority of his life. He married year after he finished high school and had two children with his wife at the time. He raised and supported his children with normal working class jobs such as delivering, janitorial and gas station services. Carver discovered his interest in writing after taking a creative writing course in collegeRead MoreAnalysis Of Cathedral By Raymond Carver Essay830 Words  | 4 PagesMistakable Judgments An Analysis of â€Å"Cathedral†Raymond Carver wrote a long-lived short story name â€Å"Cathedral†. Where a divorced women remarried after a hard experience to a person who is struggling to accept his wife’s very long relationship with a blind man. Her new husband suspiciousness controls his emotions and draw his thoughts falsely. As her very old friendship was having an unfortunate event that his wife had passed away, he arranged with her a visit to their house, which concerned herRead MoreAnalysis Of Cathedral By Raymond Carver1541 Words  | 7 PagesA New Perspective Everyone at one point has judged a book by its cover. In the short story, â€Å"Cathedral†, Raymond Carver creates a narrator who bases off ideas and assumptions about blind people from movies. The narrator has never interacted with a blind person before the day where his wife invites her friend, who is named Robert, to stay. The narrator and Robert have never met, but the narrator has a strong dislike towards Robert before meeting. The narrator’s closed-mindedness and misconceptionsRead MoreEssay on Cathedral by Raymond Carver1290 Words  | 6 PagesThe story of Cathedral, by Raymond Carver, shows that you do not have to see someone or something in order to appreciate them for who or what they are. It is about a husband, the narrator, and his wife who live in a house. The wife, whose name they do not mention, has a very close friend who is blind. His name is Robert. Roberts wife dies, and comes to their house to spend a couple of days with the narrator and his wif e. The narrator, whose name they do not mention as well, is always on edge becauseRead MoreAnalysis Of Raymond Carver s Cathedral 1097 Words  | 5 PagesSeptember 2015 Cathedral by Raymond Carver In this short story by Raymond Carver begins with a man whose wife invited a good friend over named Robert and is blind. Before Roberts Arrival, the wife’s husband, whose name is Bub, does not know what to make out of his wife’s good friend Robert coming over to their house. Carver utilizes a story of a blind man who changes Bub’s outlook in life. Through the narrators changing character, theme of loneliness and jealousy, and the cathedral being a symbolRead MoreAnalysis Of Raymond Carver s Cathedral1696 Words  | 7 PagesIntroduction: Everyone has ghosts in their closets; something they are running from, or trying to bury alive. Cathedral, written by Raymond Carver, takes place in the early 1980’s. Originally published in The Atlantic Monthly in 1981. Carver slightly revised the story and re-released it in 1983. At a time when the blue collar working class lived paycheck to paycheck, working hard for newfound luxuries such as color television, this short story is humorous and eye-opening for the reader. For adultsRead MoreAnalysis Of Raymond Carver s The Cathedral 863 Words  | 4 Pages One of the Raymond Carver story where we can find a lot of religion symbols; it is â€Å"Cathedral.†The story develops an ironic situation in which a blind man teaches a sighted man to truly â€Å"see†for the first time. Near the end of the story, Carver has these two characters work together on a drawing of a cathedral, which serves as the symbolic heart of the story. The cathedral represents true sight, the ability to see beyond the surface to the true meaning that lies within. The narrator’s drawingRead MoreAnalysis Of Raymond Carver s Cathedral 1340 Words  | 6 PagesRaymond Carver’s characters were considered to be very much like him: â€Å"’on the edge: of poverty, alcoholic self-destruction, loneliness†(Mays 32). His short story â€Å"Cathedral†is about a young couple, who have a visitor coming to stay with them. This visitor, Robert, is the wife’s friend, and he is blind. The narrator, the husband, has never met someone who is blind, was bothered by that. To him, being blind meant constantly needing help from others. His depiction of blindness was what he has seen
Does media violence lead to the real thing free essay sample
The vieod game have been around since the ninety fiffys but the The Magnavox Odyssey was the first video game home console, released in 1972. and the television was devoplment in 1925 and married the idea of movies all of these inventions have help our shape our world in to what it is today we are rappily getting more into technology . we cant wake up and check the news without some thing bad happing everyday as we get more advance so does the vieod games and televiosn show as a society we base our new trends everone wants a piceice so it getting hard for parent to control their today they litteary have the world at their finger tips. Kids look up to people as their heors it getting less and less that their role models are their parents its more super heros like batman the hulk spiderman ect . media vilonce is catgorgize in different areas frist vieod games have a lot to do with violence kids are obbesssed with the idea of zombies and grand theft auto all its teaching kids that its okay to kill as long you fishish the oject in the game , but thats great but as soon as they put down the game controller and they go out in the real world on to the playground or at school if they come in conflict with other children more likey children will react with violence and they use the moves they seen either on their favorite television show or better yet the vionce vieod they were playing or someone eles was playing I know that we cant espace all viloce in this world but we can morroit it . We will write a custom essay sample on Does media violence lead to the real thing? or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page But it can be so easy to get caught up in the day to day work it so easy to turn on the tv and let it intertante the kids we dont actually sit their and wacth or play with the kids we are contradicting ourselves . in this article does media violence lead to the real thing ? the authoer make a good point by saying ive smoked cigaretts for along time, and I dont have lung cancer. The author are showing contrast between the ideas of they know that having smoking is bad for them but they crave the taste its hard for them to stop but they are also conroding their action they know in the long run it can cause cancer but it worth the risk for the moment of pure pleaurse . as a child I grew up with two other siblings but I always wacth them play with super ninteod like games like Mario donkey koney and as my brother grew with the teleony we was obbesed with zomblies and resdent evil so as techonly advance so does the game get beter graphics and more blood . As a society both men and women are raied with different sterotypes boys are taught that to be strong and and slient and women are suppose to be careing submassive the big truth here it doesnt matter where you come what up bring you have it matter how much you expose your child to world in which we live in it to asked the question is really affining my childin power ful maybe its time took to take a step back and check what you kids are watching or playing they will not like it but your only helpin them in the long run
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Managing Performance for Results
Question: Discuss about the Managing Result and Performance ? Answer : 1: Paychex Inc, unlike many other provider of payroll deals with an extensive amount of clienteles. According to Montano Kasprzyk, in fact the mentioned post of an account executive is one of daunting task and according the mentioned responsibilities, the executives have to very skilled sand potent in their job (Montano Kasprzyk, 2015).The fact that the executives gather a fair amount of experiences while attending events, representing at official places makes them more accustomed to the deadline and criterias of different clients. In this perspective they must follow the results based assessment meter which will determine and value of the efforts as the previous results have shown significant improvement. They also cooperate and are involved in training and development of the new executives which can be overviewed by the behavioral approach to analyze the performance. Moreover, most importantly the personal interaction makes this process much more feasible for a result based performa nce measurements. Therefore in regards to the situation that are been followed in Paychex Inc., the performance measurement can be recommended on the result based derivative or a multi-disciplinary approach to the two methods. 2: The checklist for the following approach: The suggested performance measurement approach for Paychex has been behavioral in nature because in the words of Phillips, meeting the appropriate requirements of the clients and serving them with the best of the services in regards to any executive is the main objective (Phillips Phillips, 2016).Therefore, the performance will be reflected at the end of the day which measures and assess the best productivity which has achieved in terms of revenue which is provided by the prospective client. In this way, the efforts of the accounts executive can also be recognized in terms of the result, rather than a theoretical and subjective approach of behaviorism. Reference Montano, D. E., Kasprzyk, D. (2015). Theory of reasoned action, theory of planned behavior, and the integrated behavioral model.Health behavior: Theory, research and practice (. Pedhazur, E. J., Schmelkin, L. P. (2013).Measurement, design, and analysis: An integrated approach. Psychology Press. Phillips, J. J., Phillips, P. P. (2016).Handbook of training evaluation and measurement methods. Routledge.
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